Hello Team the construct,
I am facing a Misunderstanding in the Ros2 Navigation in the part 4 i just need someone to clear some points and to tell me if i understood it well:
We are asked:
Create a spot recorder script.
Earlier in this project, we created a map of the environment, but still we don’t know the coordinates of any location on the map.
To get to know the location of a point on the map, we will create a script that will save the location of a marked point from Rviz to the YAML file.
For that, we will subscribe to the /initialpose
topic so that we can get the position and orientation of the robot at the spot.
There are 3 spots you need to record for this project:
corner1 and 2 and the pedestrian
To record, you should start only the map_server
node and RViz2
, then select 2D_Pose_Estimate
to mark the location.
What i understood is that i will create a python3 script that will sub to the topic /intial pose to perform the asked task but like i will just create the sub no need to any service server or anything else second thing is that we will just run the map_server and the rviz2 and the code i want to know the code we will run it as a python3 script or how and should we create a new package or i will use for example the localization package please i need someone to clear the points :
- the script will only contain a subscriber it will not contain any message or any service ?
- i will run the map_server and the rviz2 and the script as a python3 script ? and using the 2d_estimate_pose i will click on the spots and it will just save the spots so if i clicked 50 spots the file will save 50 spots ?
- Should i create a new pkg for this part or i will use any pkg for example : localization pkg
Best Regards,