I completed the actions quiz and it works, but when I submit the quiz I have strange errors:
This is really strange, because before submitting the quiz everything works well and I can compile with colcon build. After having submitted, if I try again, I have this
colcon build does not work. If I compile with the --packages-select option and in the correct order (for instance, actions_quiz_msg and then actions_quiz) everything is ok.
What is the problem? Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Hi @bayodesegun,
thanks for your response.
No, I did not add actions_quiz_msg as a dependency. I first created and compiled actions_quiz, then actions_quiz_msg and finally I modified the CmakeLists of actions_quiz by adding find_packages and the right dependencies.
I suspect that you didn’t add all the necessary entries, or there is some bug. Manually adding entries is prone to errors. Here is what you can do to debug:
Create a new test package, say actions_quiz_test and add actions_quiz_msg as dependency during creation. Then compare the entries in the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml of this test package to what you have in the same files in actions_quiz. Make necessary corrections and let’s know how it goes.