I am trying to solve task 1 in the Python exam in many ways but it tells me that my solution is wrong. here is the code
from robot_control_class import RobotControl
import math
def get_highest_lowest(laser_readings):
read_max = 0
read_min = math.inf
i_max = None
i_min = None
for i, read in enumerate(laser_readings):
if read == math.inf:
elif read < read_min:
read_min = read
i_min = i
elif read > read_max:
read_max = read
i_max = i
return i_max, i_min
# Example usage:
rc = RobotControl()
laser_readings = list(rc.get_laser_full())
Can u help me with the mistakes in my code if there is?
February 16, 2024, 9:30am
Hi @IslamZaid
your code is the following:
def get_highest_lowest(laser_readings):
read_max = 0
read_min = math.inf
i_max = None
i_min = None
for i, read in enumerate(laser_readings):
if read == math.inf:
elif read < read_min:
read_min = read
i_min = i
elif read > read_max:
read_max = read
i_max = i
return i_max, i_min
But the instructions say the following:
As you can see, the instructions do not say you need to have a parameter in the function that provides the laser_readings
. What it says is that you create an instance of RobotControl
inside your function and get the laser readings from that instace’s class functions.
Do you understand how to proceed?
February 21, 2024, 9:30am
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