Quiz evaluator cannot detect action_quiz package

Hi, i have done catkin_make for my action quiz and sourced it as i should, it can be launched manually from terminal and everything works well. However, when I submitted to the evaluator, the following occurs:

As you can see here, when i run rospack list, it shows that it exists:

So, what’s the issue?

Thank you.

Best Regards

I see you named your package action_quiz. It should be actions_quiz.

  • s is missing in action!

When fixing this, merely renaming the package would not work. I recommend creating a new package and copying the code from action_quiz into it.

My bad, that was a terrible mistake. Thanks for spotting it. Submission is successful now.

You’re welcome.

Not to worry, mistakes like this happen in development. This is why we must have tests in place to catch them.

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