Recover Deleted Unit Folders

Hi, I was working on the Path Planning Basics course and I tried deleting a new folder I created, but I accidentally deleted its parent folder which contained the units 1 to 6 folders as well. How can i recover these files?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Checking that for your right now.

It does not look like anything is missing from your workspace. Please launch the course again and let us know if they are still not there.

If they are not, please let us know the exact name(s) of the folder(s) you are looking for so we can look more closely.

By the way I see that you are creating copies of the build and devel folders. Don’t do this - those are temporary folders that you can get back by recompiling your workspace. Furthermore, they become outdated as soon as you make changes to your code.

Hi, Thanks for having a look.
I have looked at my workspace and the folders still appears to be missing.
I have taken some screen shots of what i can see how should i make these available for you to see?

I deleted the parent folder contained the unit folders, i don’t remember the exact name of the folder.

Just tell me the names of the folders you are looking for, so I can see which version of your workspace has them.

:cold_sweat:. That difficult to track but let me see again if I can find anything.

I deleted the files about midday yesterday so the files should be present in a version from wednesday

Okay, the latest version for Wednesday Oct 18, 2023, has been restored. I have also sent it to you in a private message, in case it’s not downloaded to your workspace automatically (if you are currently working).

Thanks for the help you have provided

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