It is requested that the updated tutorial for “YourFirstRobotWitROS” seems to have problems. Most of the documentation is either simply inadequate, prepared in hustle or there is a mixing in different version. For example in Lesson 2, under " Install ROS in RaspberryPi" all the instructions are for ROS Noetic but in the end there is a command asking to install “ros-kinetic” as shown here.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
This is not just a typo. It shows that the documentation has not been thoroughly checked by anyone.
Another example is in same Lesson 2, under heading “Setup Camera in RaspberryPi”, there is a command as
sudo pip install picamera
However, pip does not work for Ubuntu mate 20.04. Ubuntu mate requires pip3. Even then after installing pip3, this command throws errors.
The point here is that there is no quality control and cross check of the documentation provided here. It sound little non-professional.
Therefore, it is requested to please thoroughly recheck all your documentation on fresh PC having no pre-installed any OS and check the authenticity of what you provide here.