I’m following unit 2 of Mastering with ROS: Summit XL and I’m starting the start_navigation_with_gps_ekf.launch launch file as directed in the tutorial. I then use Rviz to set a 2D nav goal but the robot does not move. I get the following error in the console:
[ WARN] [1615127018.620337194, 444.831000000]: The robot's start position is off the global costmap. Planning will always fail, are you sure the robot has been properly localized?
[ WARN] [1615127018.819773876, 445.028000000]: Rotate recovery behavior started.
I also tried the 2D pose estimate but as we are no longer using AMCL it does not surprice me that it did not have any effect.
I noticed start_movebase_map.launch has a lot of rosparam configuration referring to yaml files in a new_config directory which is NOT provided so I copied the existing config directory and renamed it to new_config to stop the file-not-found errors.
I have followed the steps as closly as possible twice but the robot still does not move in opposition to what your text suggects.
I need help, please.
ps: the link to this forum from the tutorial is not working