I am investigating “Course of Product” where we get familiar with several kinds of robots, such as SUMMIT XL, Jackal… To measure the depth, Jackal is equipped with a stereo camera and planar LiDAR. I wonder if there are any available robots equipped with a structure light camera? Thank you.
No that I know of. All teh robots use rgb, depth cameras and lasers.
Hi @duckfrost2, thank you. As far as I know, depth camera is a general term. It can be a stereo camera (e.g., in Jackal) or a structured light camera. Because the physical robot that I am working with is equipped with a structured light camera, I am looking for a virtual robot of this type.
Yeah , I understand. In simulation I have never used a structured light sensor I’m afraid.
If at the end what you work on is a depth sensor data topic, then you can use several robots in gazebo, but if ist a different kind, no idea.
Found this post in gazebo forum that might be a starting point?
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