I was doing the unit-6 exercises, specifically 6.3, and I countered some issue when try to launch a service that takes a custom message. according to the instruction it should show something like : Generating Python code from SRV my_custom_srv_msg_pkg/MyCustomServiceMessage
However, I’ve followed all the step and did compile with catkin_make then source devel/setup.bash. when running rossrv list I can find my custom service but when trying to run the launch file it says that it can’t not find the module although it exists. I tried all I can and think about but it didn’t resolve.
user:~/catkin_ws/src/my_custom_srv_msg_pkg/src$ rosrun my_custom_srv_msg_pkg custom_service_server.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/user/catkin_ws/src/my_custom_srv_msg_pkg/src/custom_service_server.py”, line 4, in
from my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv import MyCustomServiceMessage, MyCustomServiceMessageResponse # you import the service message python classes
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘my_custom_srv_msg_pkg’