I’m having a hard time starting up this assignment. Learnt in section 4 is that we should adjust the launch file (in this case main.launch) and create a Python file that will actually create the ‘wall following’ behavior.
To test if I would be able to launch anything correctly I created a node in the main.launch file like this:
Afterwards I just created a wall_follow.py in which I just put the code of a previous example (where we needed to turn when coming close to a wall, because I know the robot would at least start moving). wall_follow.py looks as followed:
I see that your code is within the simulation_ws, and it shouldn’t. That workspace is only for simulation related code.
You should instead be creating your files in catkin_ws, like you have learned in the course.
First you need to create your own package in ~/catkin_ws/src, and then create a launch directory where you will add main.launch, and your wall_follow.py should be in the src folder, after making it executable with chmod +x
Then, you can compile, source the correct workspace, and see if the robot starts moving