Today I just opened my project for ROS Basics in 5 Days (Python) after getting to the point where I was recommended to do Part III of the project, only to discover that the package I created for the project is missing from the catkin workspace.
If this info helps, I believe the last time I worked on the project was on Friday, March 1, 2024. It is possible I worked on it on March 8, but I do not recall. I have been learning ROS for work and dedicating Fridays for it, hence my activity only being on Fridays (though I will check this thread throughout next week). Also I did get a bunch of warnings in the terminal the first time I opened the project today, but I did not screenshot them and I reopened the project at least once, so unfortunately I cannot share them.
Luckily I am asked to simply learn ROS, so do not quite have to finish the project or get a certification for finish the course. However I would like to do those if that still is a possibility, but cannot justify redoing the entire project again.
As at least one other user has had their project restored after posting a thread like this in this forum category, I hope the same can be done for me.
Additional info:
After looking through my internet history, I see I once could access a project numbered 378235 in the url. I even somehow accessed that link today according to my history, but now it only takes me to my list of RosJects. My history also has a RosJect link numbered 755668, which takes me to the only RosJect I currently have on my account. I am beginning to suspect something went wrong when I opened my RosJect today, causing it to be replaced with a new, blank copy. I am unsure how else I could have two different project ID’s in my history today, as I have only ever worked on one.
Edit: Nevermind, the lower id number is for the project this was forked from. Interestingly, this means the original one now is inaccessible. This could very well be tied to my predicament.
At this point, I will stop replying before I get a rely as to not clutter the thread.