ROS launch error

I’m getting this error how can i solve this

user:~/catkin_ws/src$ roslaunch services_quiz start_bb8_move_in_square_service_server_launch.launch

RLException: [start_bb8_move_in_square_service_server_launch.launch] is neither a launch file in package[services_quiz] nor is [services_quiz] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

Try giving execution permissions to the launch file, chmod +x start_bb8_move_in_square_service_server_launch.launch

And make sure you are in the right path before giving these permissions and make sure that your launch file is in the services_quiz package. And do catkin_make and sourcing before doing roslaunch

From what I can see in the screenshot, the launch file names you specified are wrong. For instance,

  • Instead of start_bb8_move_in_square_service_server_launch.launch, it should be start_bb8_move_in_square_service_server.launch
  • It’s a similar issue for the other launch file.

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