ROS1 bridge between ROS2 humble and ROS melodic

Hi, Right now im working on ros2 humble in my laptop. Preivously we worked on ros melodic and one of the controller driver available in melodic but not in ros2 humble so we thought to bridge that one using ros1 bridge. So, i wanted to know whether it is possible to bridge between ros2 humble and ros melodic.
Note: ROS2 humble should be the Default ROS in my laptop. I need to bridge the only one module from ROS melodic


Bridging any ROS distribution to a ROS 2 Humble system is a little more complicated because ROS does not offer binary install packages in Ubuntu 22.

ros1_bridge is used to bridge both distributions, but you need to have both Melodic (or any other ROS distro) and Humble installed because the packages depends on both. So you have two options:

  1. Install ROS Melodic from source.
  2. Use docker to install both distributions and launch the ros1_bridge

Hi, Thank you. Currenly my system is running on ROS2 humble and i’m not able to install the ROS Melodic in my system along with Humble

That’s why I suggested you can install ROS Melodic from source. You can have both ROS Melodic and Humble installed like that.

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