ROS2 Basic in 5 Days C++ - Unit 4.7 Services

Hi guys,

I am seeking clarification on an observation I made regarding the quiz. It appears that, as per the instructions, the services_quiz_srv package should be compiled first to create the install package. Following this, the service_quiz package should be compiled to enable it to locate the other package, as it is declared in the CMake find package services_quiz_srv. However, I have noticed that the auto-corrector is compiling the service_quiz package prior to services_quiz_srv, which results in a compilation error stating that services_quiz_srv cannot be found. I kindly request further clarification on this matter.

Best regards,

Hi @aitameuradlan2adcde5de6574041 ,

There is a quick fix that you can try. Follow these steps in order:

  1. Remove build and devel folders from catkin_ws.
  2. Build only the services_quiz_srv package using --only-pkg-with-deps command line argument.
  3. Now start the autograder. So, now the auto grader already has a compiled services_quiz_srv, so it will not fail.

Try this and let me know if your problem is solved or if you still have issues.


Thank you. Yesterday, I tried to fix this problem. However, the autograder allows you to submit 5 times and yesterday, I submit my Fifth attempt. I can’t submit again right now. Thanks again,

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