ROS2 Basics in 5 Days Humble (Python) Unit 5 failing

colcon build --packages-select actions_quiz actions_quiz_msg is failing to compile according to the bot testing. But I have tried everything including purging my build and install directory to make things clean and it builds without any issue. No hints given as to what the issue is and I am running out of tries and getting very peeved to say the least.

Hi @poirierp

Have you tried sending it by previously deleting build, log and install?

I hadn’t though of deleting the log folder but did the other two. Will wait for a more sure answer, hopefully, as have already burned through over half my attempts trying to figure this out.

Hello @poirierp ,

Please try to build the WHOLE workspace before sending it for correction. Run the following commands:

cd ~/ros2_ws
rm -rf build install log
colcon build
source install/setup.bash

Let me know if after this it compiles correctly in the GradeBot.

Did you commands and it is still failing the bot checking and now I am down to one attempt left.

Hi @poirierp ,

Try the solution from this post: Services Quiz. Gradebot Fails to compile the package. How fix it? - #12 by oleg.a.kuvaev

Let us know if the solution worked. If it did not work and you wasted your last attempt, do not worry, The Construct team can give you one or two more attempts.


That got me over the issue. Thank you. Thankfully my code was 100% functional and that last attempt was enough.

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