I tried the new real robot option that is compatible with ros2 galactic for my nav2 rosject.
I have everything that works fine with the sim. The localization and the path planning. As you can see in my rviz the global and local costmaps are displayed.
When I pass to the real robot it stops working correctly. I made a video but I can’t upload it so here are some captures.
To begin rviz2 doesn’t display the costmaps. It says that no maps where received but I didn’t change anything and everything is running. (it’s the same rviz config file)
Then the second problem is it doesn’t matter how I send a goal it starts moving correctly and then ros bridge stops saying that a shutdown request was made by the user but I don’t touch anything.
If launch again the bridge the robot continues the trajectory that it had planned until the bridge crashes again.
This is how I launch the bridge
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch load_params load_params.launch
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge
Thank you in advance for your help