Hi the construct,
xml and yaml launch file clear but when we look at the python launch file everything is not clear.Especially DeclareLaunchArgument,LogInfo(msg=launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration(‘msg_A’)),
arguments=[“-name_server”, “TestArgumentsDemo”,
“-timer_period_message”, launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration(‘msg_A’),
“-timer_period”, launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration(‘timer_period’)
), turning_speed_f = LaunchConfiguration(‘turning_speed’)
Hi there!
I suggest you to check these two links if you wanna know more aobut launch files in ROS2:
About DeclareLaunchArgument, it is the equivalent of the tag arg in XML. It is used in ROS2 to set and declare launch arguments, enabling the customization of node behavior or parameters during execution.
In addition to what @SylvainJnn shared, you can also have a look at our Intermediate ROS2 course, where launch files are discussed more in detail. Here’s a link to the course: Intermediate ROS2 course - hands-on | The Construct
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