ROS2 Python Service quiz grade bot failed

Hello, I have gradebot failed due to can’t find /turn. When I ran service server, I can find the ros2 service list with name /turn. Could you please help me with this?

Hello @junjng9 ,

Everything seems to be fine from a first look. Could you try sending it again for grading? Maybe there was some isolated issue in the grader side the 1st time you sent it.

Here is second time I tried to run but it didn’t work

Hello @junjng9 ,

I’ve been doing some tests with your files, and here’s what I’ve found.

  1. First of all, I’ve tried correcting the quiz and it detected the service correctly:

As you can see, it fails in a later stage, when trying to launch the client, because that is not working:

  1. I found you had some compilation files inside your src folder, which is not correct:

I have removed them, as this could introduce errors. ALWAYS compile in the root of the workspace (ros2_ws folder).

Try correcting the error with the service client and let me know how it goes.

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