ROS2 Service Quiz Gradebot can not find /rotate


I am currently doing the ROS2 Service Quiz for C++.

When I run my code in the shell, everything works correctly. But when I start the gradebot, then it gives me the error that it can not find the /rotate service.


When I do ros2 launch services_quiz in the shell, then I can find it.

I can also call it manually or with my client launch file

Here is the part in my code where I create it:


  : Node("services_quiz_server")
    srv_ = create_service<Spin>("rotate", std::bind(&ServerNode::moving_callback, this, _1, _2));
    publisher_ = this->create_publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>("cmd_vel", 10);


So why does it fail in the gradebot?

Any help is appreciated.

I have checked the logs, and these are the possible errors that could be happening:

  • Are there processes of the quizzes running when you submit it for grading?
  • Is your service server quitting after a few seconds? It should run forever until you Ctrl + C it.

Hi @bayodesegun

Thanks for your response.

I tried again the autocorrection (without changing anything in my code) and now it worked.
So it can possibly be that I was still running something or maybe that my internet connection was low and therefore it disconnected.

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