I am stuyding ROS services now as part of the ROS2 Basics in 5 Days Humble (Python). I want to reas something about the previous section ROS topics, but i cannot accessprevious section. How to do it?
Hello @luchoej17,
Welcome to the community!
You can use the arrows at the bottom left corner of the screen to move between lessons. The arrows are next to the name of the unit you are in. You should see a text that says “Go to the previous unit” or “Go to the next unit” when you hover over the arrows. Click on the arrows with your mouse to move between units.
Here is an image of the area at bottom left corner of the screen:
Hope this helps,
Hi @luchoej17 ,
Welcome to this Community!
To go to any of the previous chapters from your current chapter from the same course:
- Click on the Chapter Name on the bottom left of the course window.
- Choose the Chapter you wish to go to from the chapter list.
To go to any chapter from another course from the current course:
- Click on the Review Notebooks from the bottom right of the course window.
- Choose the course that you wish to refer to and choose the chapter.
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