ROSJect installing ROS packages via apt & updates

Hi @time_wiley,

If you have just a few packages to install, the solution proposed by @bayodesegun does the job.

You said:

such as ign-ros2-control, find-object-2d, plus a few others

Could you tell us which are the packages that you need to install?

If you need to do an upgrade in the humble base itself every time that you open the rosject, I think this may be a frustrating experience if it takes too much time.

If you tell us the list of packages, we can see how long it takes.

If it takes too much time, we can possibly upgrade the base like we did for you a year ago.

In summary:

  1. If you have just a few packages, you can create the ~/ as proposed by Bayode.
  2. If you see that it takes too much time to install everything every time you open a rosject, we can possibly update the base and install the packages you need.