Rosjects only accessible for the team?


i wonder if there is any possibility to have a rosject which is accessible only to the team. I see options or private and public. However it seems given the collaborators access to the static share link seems also an option. What permissions does this give the collaborators? Can they modify the original rosject?


Yes, it is possible.

  1. Create a private rosject. Public rosjects can be seen and copied by anyone. Private rosjects can be only by you.
  2. Share you private rosject with your team. Using the share link, they can get a copy of the rosject and
    • They cannot share that copy with another person.
    • They cannot modify the original rosject. Even if your rosject is public, people cannot modify it - they can only copy it.
    • Use the temporary link for better protection, as it expires within a short time so it limits the extent to which it can be used by people you didn’t intend to have it.

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