Running into error for Path Planning Basics

Hello, Running into an error in the Path Planning Basics course. Under exercise 2.3.1, after copying the code and running, I am running into this error.

RLException: [unit2_exercise.launch] is neither a launch file in package [unit2] nor is [unit2] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

I am confused as I assume that I will be using this package to launch projects in this course, and before moring forward I want to be sure that everything is all settled.

This is saying that the program could not locate the launch file under package unit2.

  1. Check the spelling of the launch file, most often its a spelling mismatch between the actual name and the one you are entering in the command prompt.
  2. Can you share the screenshot of the files where you see Unit 2 mentioned?
  3. Maybe its not compiled and sourced, so try the following which will compile and source everything giving you the updated versions:
cd catkin_ws;
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

Let me know if this helped.

Right, so here is the Screenshot attached, as I was simply just following the example, which required me to download the files for this section.

delete the path planning folder, and try from start again, but this time, make sure that its downloaded into catkin_ws>src. I see that the folder for path planning is outside the src folder, make sure that all the files you are working on is under the src folder.

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Just adding to what @Joseph1001 already said, please create all packages inside the designated directory in the ROS workspace, in this case ~/catkin_ws/src. This is the ROS way.

This seems to suggest that you have not taken the ROS Basics course. If this is the case, please take that first so that you don’t struggle with the material in this course.

I have taken the ROS basics course, I will try the steps which @Joseph1001 mentioned

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