Services_quiz gradebot error

My and run fine in the terminal windows but there seems to be an error with my gradebot submission. I’d appreciate any assistance fixing this error as I have used 4 of my 5 possible submissions. What happens if I fail my final attempt? Any way to reset it?


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Hi @oduolafuad could you please check that the names of your files are correct?

E.g. rather than


You are supposed to contact us for help after the 2nd or 3rd attempt.

There is no use making another attempt unless you have fixed the problem. Did you check and try all the points that the gradebot mentioned?

Yes, the file names are correct. I have made sure to double check.

Yes, I did. All passed but the final test

Hello @bayodesegun, I’m still awaiting instructions on how to proceed with fixing the error. I appreciate your timely response.


Did you name your files correctly? The grader could not find them.

Please run the following and show us the output of both. Take a screenshot of the terminal and its full output after running the commands.

Web Shell 1

ros2 launch services_quiz

Web Shell 2

ros2 launch services_quiz


Okay, the first image confirmed that at least your server launch file was incorrectly named or setup. The gradebot could not find the files:


I suppose you have fixed. Please check that everything works as indicated in the quiz and submit again.

Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work. Still the same error from gradebot.

What does not work? When was the last time you submitted this quiz? The last one I saw was on the 15th.

Any screenshots?

@bayodesegun It appears that although the file launches, it exits very quickly. This might be while the gradebot keeps failing me. How do you suggest I fix that? Thank you.


The problem was that you didn’t set up your launch files correctly in (it looks like you manually copied them to the install location), o the grader did not find them.

After much frustration and debugging spanning days, I’ve still been unable to find the bug in my code. As I intend to make the most of my subscription, I made the decision to use up my gradebot submissions, have a look at the solution, and go ahead with other modules in the course. I’ll use this experience to learn from my mistakes. Thank you for your assistance.

I would just like to ask if this means I am no longer eligible to earn a certificate for the ROS2 Basics in 5 Days (Python).

I’m sorry about your frustration. It happens, even to experienced engineers, but it is for good - earning.

Don’t worry, you can always come back to it later to check what happened, so you can master the concepts, only that you can no longer submit for grading.

For this particular course, you can still earn a certificate, because the only requirement is completing and presenting the Real Robot Project, you can see that on the course details page (click on the certificate icon on the course). You can copy that project at the end of the Topics unit.

Completing and presenting this project is a way to prove that you have mastered the basics, even if things didn’t go well with the gradebot!

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