Services_quiz pkg not found

Hello. @girishkumar.kannan, @bayodesegun
I could use a quick check on the video below. ( low res - due to size upload limit )
The bot seems to be using a step, i miss at the env setup.
After i execute the grader bot, the pkg is not found again.

Thanks for your time in advance.

Your packages failed to compile because you did not set up the dependencies correctly.

  • services_quiz must only depend on services_quiz_srv. That dependency must be correctly set up, as described in the notes.
  • services_quiz_srv must not depend on any other package in your workspace. Otherwise, gradebot will not be able to compile it.

You can check that with:

cd ~/ros2_ws
rm -rf build/ install/ log/
colcon build --packages-select services_quiz services_quiz_srv

This was the point of failure.

When correctly set up, services_quiz_srv would be compiled first, then services_quiz would be compiled.

Thanks for the tip. It was missing the dependency in package.xml.


I crossed that after. :slightly_smiling_face:

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