Simulated TurtleBot3 LIDAR vs real robot LIDAR - solution


Probably many of us faced the fact, that the LIDAR sensors are very different in the simulation and on the real robot.
In the simulation, ranges has 360 slots and the ranges[0] is in front of the robot, and agles are all positive (from 0 radian to 2*PI radian).
On the real robot, ranges has 720 slots and ranges[360] is in front of the robot, and angles are from (nearly) -PI to PI.
I had a hard time to creating algorithms which work well in both environment.

What I did is a wrapper for LaserScan. It is always “shows” itself as the LaserScan in simulator.
So you do not need to write different codes for simulator and real robot.

Here is:

from math import pi
from typing import List
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan

two_pi = 2 * pi

def index_from_rad(rad: float, angle_min: float, angle_max: float, angle_increment: float):
    assert rad >= -two_pi and rad <= two_pi, "Invalid radian"

    angle = rad - angle_min

    if angle < 0:
        angle += two_pi
    if angle > two_pi:
        angle -= two_pi

    index = round(angle / angle_increment)

    ranges = round((angle_max - angle_min)/angle_increment) + 1
    return min(max(0, index), ranges - 1)

def index_from_grad(grad: int, rad_angle_min: float, rad_angle_max: float, rad_angle_increment: float):
    rad = grad * two_pi / 360.0
    return index_from_rad(rad, rad_angle_min, rad_angle_max, rad_angle_increment)

class UnifiedLaserScan():
    def __init__(self, msg: LaserScan):
        self._msg = msg
        self.header = msg.header
        self.angle_min = 0
        self.angle_max = two_pi
        self.angle_increment = two_pi/360.0
        self.time_increment = msg.time_increment
        self.scan_time = msg.scan_time
        self.range_min = msg.range_min
        self.range_max = msg.range_max
        self.ranges = msg.ranges if len(msg.ranges) == 360 else self._get_ranges()
        # TODO: intensities are not transformed
        self.intensities = msg.intensities

    def _get_ranges(self) -> List[float]:
        return [
                    self._msg.angle_min, self._msg.angle_max,
            for i in range(360)

A test file to see how it works:

from path_planner_server.angle_utils import UnifiedLaserScan, index_from_grad, index_from_rad
from math import pi
import pytest
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from std_msgs.msg import Header

def index_from_rad_simu(rad: float) -> int:
    return index_from_rad(rad, 0.0, 6.28000020980835, 0.01749303564429283)

def index_from_rad_real_robot(rad: float) -> int:
    return index_from_rad(rad, -3.1241390705108643, 3.1415927410125732, 0.008714509196579456)

def index_from_grad_simu(grad: int) -> int:
    return index_from_grad(grad, 0.0, 6.28000020980835, 0.01749303564429283)

def index_from_grad_real_robot(grad: int) -> int:
    return index_from_grad(grad, -3.1241390705108643, 3.1415927410125732, 0.008714509196579456)

def test_index_from_rad_simu():
    assert index_from_rad_simu(0) == 0
    assert index_from_rad_simu(pi/2) == 90
    assert index_from_rad_simu(pi) == 180
    assert index_from_rad_simu(3 * pi/2) == 269
    assert index_from_rad_simu(-pi/2) == 269

def test_index_from_rad_real_robot():
    assert index_from_rad_real_robot(0) == 358
    assert index_from_rad_real_robot(pi/2) == 539
    assert index_from_rad_real_robot(pi) == 719
    assert index_from_rad_real_robot(3 * pi/2) == 178
    assert index_from_rad_real_robot(-pi/2) == 178

def test_index_from_rad_out_of_range():
    assert index_from_rad_simu(-2 * pi) == 0
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        index_from_rad_simu(2 * pi + 0.01)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        index_from_rad_simu(-2 * pi - 0.01)

def test_index_from_grad_simu():
    assert index_from_grad_simu(0) == 0
    assert index_from_grad_simu(90) == 90
    assert index_from_grad_simu(180) == 180
    assert index_from_grad_simu(270) == 269
    assert index_from_grad_simu(-90) == 269

def test_index_from_grad_real_robot():
    assert index_from_grad_real_robot(0) == 358
    assert index_from_grad_real_robot(90) == 539
    assert index_from_grad_real_robot(180) == 719
    assert index_from_grad_real_robot(270) == 178
    assert index_from_grad_real_robot(-90) == 178

def test_index_from_grad_out_of_range():
    assert index_from_grad_simu(-360) == 0
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

def test_unified_laserscan_init_simu():
    scan = LaserScan(angle_min=0.0, angle_max=2*pi, angle_increment=2*pi/360.0)
    scan.ranges = [float(i) for i in range(360)]

    uscan = UnifiedLaserScan(scan)

    assert uscan.ranges[100] == 100.0

def test_unified_laserscan_init_robot():
    scan = LaserScan(angle_min=-3.1241390705108643, angle_max=3.1415927410125732, angle_increment=0.008714509196579456)
    scan.ranges = [float(i) for i in range(720)]

    uscan = UnifiedLaserScan(scan)

    assert uscan.ranges[-180] == 719
    assert uscan.ranges[-90] == 178
    assert uscan.ranges[0] == 358
    assert uscan.ranges[90] == 539
    assert uscan.ranges[180] == 719
    assert uscan.ranges[270] == 178
    assert uscan.ranges[359] == 356

How to use this:

    def laser_callback(self, _msg: LaserScan):
        msg = UnifiedLaserScan(_msg)
        ranges = msg.ranges

        self.get_logger().debug('indexes: front: %d, left: %d, back: %d, rigth: %d' % (0, 90, 180, 270))
        self.get_logger().debug('ranges: front: %.2f, left: %.2f, back: %.2f, rigth: %0.2f' % 
                               (ranges[0], ranges[90], ranges[180], ranges[270]))
        self.get_logger().debug('ranges size:%d' % (len(ranges)))
        with self.q.mutex:


Hope it will help to others.

I do not understand, why the simulator and real robot’s LIDAR are different. I think, this is unnecessary and I can not imagine an environment where it would be helpful to creat a simulated robot which is different from the real one. I mean, the simulated will be obviously different, but I may try to do it as similar as possible to the real one.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your learning! I think I understand what you mean.

It may look like we created this simulation specifically for the real TB3 robot, but that is not the case.

  • You might want to use the code for any other robot you have for instance, and it might require some modifications.
  • Our TB3 could be changed in the future.

The transition from simulation to real robot is hardly a straightforward business in real life, and we wanted you to experience that and come up with solutions like this!

Hi @bayodesegun ,

Thanks, so the differences are for pedagogic reasons. Understood.

Should I delete this topic to not influence other learners inventing their own solution?


Hi @peterborkuti

Thank you for your understanding.

No, please. We’re not all inventors, and not all the time.

If some learners can do the due diligence find the solution your have graciously shared, I think that is fine.

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