Solution for Exercise >> Request

No solution except for unit6

Another “unit: Exercise” >> Request a Solution

thank you

Hi @mdc1020 ,

could you be more specific on your question?

Could you tell us in which Unit if the course you are, which exercise are you in, and what specific problem you are facing?

All exercises normally have a number. Providing us with the exercise number will make our life easier.

Bear in mind that we have many courses on the platform. The more information we have, the more likely for us to provide a correct answer.



Majority of the unit exercise in Advanced Modern C++ course has no solution. For example if you get stuck at Exercise 5.1 than there is no solution given for it just some hints where as in the other construct course there are solution for every exercise whereas these course does not follow that I do not know why.

My suggestion is to add every exercise solution for this course because it comparatively advance course on c++ & it hard to find solution of c++ 11 in internet. I’m also having lots of problem while solving this course exercises.

Thanks in advance

Hi @HrithikVerma,

I really appreciate your feedback, and I definitely agree with you that having the exercises make students’ life much easier.

We will try to add more solutions to the exercises.

If you have any other suggestions or feedback, please feel free to make us aware.


cc: @albertoezquerro

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Can I please request for the solutions for all the exercises in this course (Advanced Modern C++ for Robotics). I have paid for the course but now I am stuck and can’t proceed because I don’t quite understand/grasp the topic. It is difficult to move to the next chapter.

Thank you

We are preparing the solutions for that course.

In the meantime, in which unit are you stuck? I’ll help you on your doubts


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