Hi.Need help.
Can someone explain me the structure of the ROS package.
Quiz ask me to create publisher and subscriber, do i need to create them in the same folder or in separate folders?
And if it need to be in the same pkg folder, how many launch files i need? or i can launch subscriber and publisher from the same launch file?
- Structure of a ros package: Explaining what each folder and file is for
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── package.xml
├── launch/
│ ├── some_launch_file.launch
├── src/
│ ├── some_node.cpp
├── include/
│ ├── some_header_file.h
├── msg/
│ ├── SomeMessage.msg
├── srv/
│ ├── SomeService.srv
├── config/
│ ├── some_config_file.yaml
└── README.md
- You can create them of course in a same package and have a node that handles both publisher and subscriber as well.
- One launch file can obviously handle it since the launch file allows you to launch one or multiple nodes.
thank you Caytu for quick answer
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