Your final (after you have tested that it works properly) program MUST contain the get_highest_lowest function, but MUST NOT contain any call to this function.
How I am suppose to make script work without calling the function ? Also I have tried to copy and paste solution that I found on this forum but It didn’t work also since it doesn’t call the func that created. Can you help me please ? Have a great day!! [Task 1 and Task 3 codes are below]
TASK 1 :
from robot_control_class import RobotControl
def get_highest_lowest():
rc = RobotControl()
l = rc.get_laser_full()
maxi = l[0]
mini = l[0]
for i in range(0, len(l)):
if i > maxi:
maxi = i
if i < mini:
mini = i
return print(maxi, mini)
import math
from robot_control_class import RobotControl
class ExamControl():
def __init__(self):
self.rc = RobotControl(robot_name="turtlebot")
def get_laser_readings(self):
return self.rc.get_laser_full() # burada direkt okuma yaptırdım
def main(self):
self.rc.move_straight() # ilk başta düz git
while 1:
listx = self.get_laser_readings() # giderken okuma yap sağdan soldan
print(listx[0], listx[1]) # ilk değer sol ikinci değer sağ taraf
if listx[0] == math.inf or listx[1] == math.inf: # inf'e ulaştığında
self.rc.stop_robot() # dur
move1 = ExamControl()
Because the function is called by the Gradebot, therefore you do not have to explicitly call it.
There are some issues in your code:
By doing i > maxi and i < mini you are actually checking the index value to maxi or mini - This is wrong. You need to check the value at this index if it is maximum or minimum.
You have not accounted for the constraint here - do not account for “inf” values - your current code will return inf values if you do not use proper if conditions.
You must return the max and min indexes. - you are printing them on return which will not work.
You just need to complete the class functions.
We do not use while 1 in python. It is not the convention, we use while True instead.
Remove the last two lines where you call the main function
move1 = ExamControl() # remove this line
move1.main() # remove this line
You need to rework both your codes, your current codes will not work for TASK 1 and 3.
Fix the problems and you should be fine. Read the question twice or more before you answer it. You seem to have not understood the question in both the tasks properly.
It would normally take up to 2 working days for the certificate to show up. Please be patient.
In case it takes more than 2 days, you can then report the same at this email: info(at)theconstructsim(dot)com.
dear @girishkumar.kannan
i have accounted for the constraint here and i also checked by arraigning the laser data in ascending and descending order to find the corresponding position value, which this code find correctly but while submitting the code i get a 0
from robot_control_class import RobotControl
def get_highest_lowest():
# Create an instance of the RobotControl class
robot_control_instance = RobotControl()
# Get all the values of the laser readings and store them in a list
laser_values = list(robot_control_instance.get_laser_full())
#print (laser_values)
if not laser_values:
# If there are no values, return None for both positions
return None, None
# Exclude infinity values from consideration when finding the positions
filtered_values = [value for value in laser_values if isinstance(value, (int, float)) and value != float('inf')]
if not filtered_values:
# If there are no numeric values, return None for both positions
return None, None
highest_position = laser_values.index(max(filtered_values))
lowest_position = laser_values.index(min(filtered_values))
print (highest_position)
print (lowest_position)