Hi everyone. I’m working on ROS Navigation in 5 Days course. In this course, im in Exercise 2.17. Here i created a bag file in catkin_ws/src that named mylaserdata.bag. And i used this command in terminal “rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=kobuki/laser/scan”. After that i used this command in terminal “rosbag play mylaserdata.bag”. In the first terminal that launched slam_gmapping’s output is Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past (Possible reasons are listed at tf/Errors explained - ROS Wiki) for framewheel_left_link at time 45.140000 according to authority unknown_publisher
at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.5/src/buffer_core.cpp
How can i fix that? Thank you.

According to the link given above: tf/Errors explained - ROS Wiki

  • The most common cause of TF_OLD_DATA warnings are if rostime has gone backwards. This can be caused by restarting a bag playback or restarting a simulator. The fix for this is to send an Empty message the topic /reset_time. There is a button in rviz to do this.

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