The robot will move forward until the robot is in parallel with the opening in the wall.2. Once the robot is in parallel with the opening, it will rotate 90º in the direction of the opening.3. Then, the robot will move forward until it goes past the opening (to the other side of the wall). Could you please tell me how to determine if robot is in parallel of the the opening of the wall?
According to the simulation environment and images of the task, it seems that the initial position of the robot and the wall are in parallel, right? Is that an assumption so that we simply move forward at first or do we need to move forward the robot while tracking the laser sensor data to avoid obstacles (i.e., the wall)?
How do you detect the opening of the wall? The only way I can think of is to measure the laser beams and detect the sudden change in the range array. Is the odometry data only useful for the 90 rotation or it will be used for detecting the opening?
You can assume that the robot is parallel to the wall and the door.
So all you have to do is move the robot forward until you detect the door (yes, you have to move while the laser sensor is tracked), use the left laser to detect the opening, which will change to inf when it detects the opening, then turn left and move forward until you reach the final position (by detecting the distance to the left and right of the robot, which will change to inf after passing theow the opening). then stop the robot.
Hi Afrandi, thank you very much for your answering!
Do I need to consider the size of the robot? turtlebot3
Once the laser distance is inf, it means the center robot lidar is in the opening but we still need to move a bit further (at least about 1-2s) so that the whole robot is in the opening.
Do you assume the wall is relatively large?
Do we need to control the robot not move forward too much after detecting the opening in case it might hit the wall?Or simply using multiple laser beams instead of just one on the left?
In this case, I am not considering the size of the robot, because it will take some time for the robot to stop anyway, so by the time the robot stops moving, it will be approximately in the right position.
Obviously it depends on the robot’s speed, but for this exercise it suffices.
For me 0.5 linear speed and 0.2 angular speed worked well.