Hi , i had tried to use public access token from mapbox but it seems the RviZ couldnt load the map using this token.Moreover, this token code was already correct.Can you help me to solve this one?
Which unit of the course and which exercise are you on?
this is autonomous vehicle 101 courses. Unit number 2
For some reason, they have changed something in the format of the images that are received from the mapbox and now Rviz is not able to show the images. The only way is to upgrade the plugin to the latest version. However, the plugin will not compile in Kinetic which is the version of ROS running in the course.
Summarizing: to solve the problem, we need to update the course to Noetic, then install the latest version of the plugin and then the images will show properly.
We are launching an issue to solve this problem as soon as possible
Hi @yusufbadriawan ,
This issue has been fixed and the course notebook has been updated to reflect the changes.
Since the solution to this issue is explained in the course notes itself, I am not posting it here.
@bayodesegun This issue can be closed.