The leg detector does not read in the mastering with Summit-XL course

Hello again,
In Unit 3 of the Mastering with ROS course: SUMMIT-XL no reading occurs when creating the “launch” file when executing the “rostopic echo /leg_tracker_measurements” command. Is it necessary to launch an additional package or modify something? The launch file code is the same as the course
Thank you very much and greetings

Hi @Cetemet ,

I checked (Unit: 4 - Unit 3: Detect and Localise person) and I can confirm that there is nothing being published to that leg_tracker_measurements command.

I’ve just created an issue to investigate why this happens.

In the meantime, if you can skip just this leg detector part, you should be able to keep advancing in the course without any problem.

Thank you very much for reporting this issue.

Hi @Cetemet ,

This issue has been resolved and the course notebook has been updated to reflect the changes.

Please refer to the course unit notes again to know the solution / fix.


@bayodesegun This issue can be closed.

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