The slam_toolbox for ROS2 foxy does not publish the topic pose

I notice that the slam_toolbox for ROS2 foxy does not publish the topic pose (See the readme). I have confirmed it on my own virtual machine with the apt-get package. As far as I know, SLAM means mapping and localization. Where does the robot pose goes if the toolbox doesn’t publish it? Can I get it from the TF?
May I use the pose map->Odom->base_link? Is it the same pose published on the pose topic for ROS galactic, humble and rolling?

I can’t seem to open the link you posted.

SLAM does mean Simultaneous Localization and Mapping.

As for the robot pose, I assume you mean the position of the robot with respect to the map frame being published by slam_toolbox. This happens once you upload the map using the map server and then assign an initial pose to the amcl node.

So yes, the robot pose would be the transform between map and base_link. The map frame usually gets initialized at the position where the robot starts mapping

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