I suppose you mean that the callback was not called?
First, you don’t need to call it manually like you are doing in __init__. It’s automatically called when the subscriber gets a LaserScan message.
Second, (maybe this is the issue), are you shutting the node down (as I see in main) so fast that the subscriber does not have the opportunity to work?
It looks like your program is just running once then exiting. If you want the subscriber to work, the program needs to stay open until you stop it manually or based on a given condition in your logic.
I am not getting any errors. As @bayodesegun said, my callback function is not called. I thought using rclpy.spin(wall_follower) will keep the node running until ctrl+C.
Also, currently is the server for the ros2 5days python rosject down? I can’t access the rosject. If you have any information on that would you also let me know?