Trajectory_by_name pagkage not in my workspace

Hello everyone,

I am on “Unit 3: Services in ROS” and I am trying to launch a service from the “trajectory_by_name” package but I get the following error.

user:~$ roslaunch trajectory_by_name start_service.launch
[start_service.launch] is neither a launch file in package [trajectory_by_name] nor is [trajectory_by_name] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
user:~$ roscd trajectory_by_name
roscd: No such package/stack 'trajectory_by_name'

The strange thing is that I am quite positive that last time it executed without any problems. It is like the package was removed.
I’ve tried changing to another unit with another simulation and to another course to no avail.
Thank you in advance for your help.


Please check that:

  1. The package is indeed inside the catkin_ws/src.
  2. catkin_make the catkin_ws and source devel/setup.bash, to be sure that you can find everything in the catkin_ws/src.
  3. Type roslaunch and do the TAB-TAB to see if the suggestions have this package inside and do the same with the launch file. That will rule out the possibility that its not finding the package.
  4. If nothing works please post here the packages so the community can debug your problem. You can aslo create a ROSject and share it here with the code you want to test using ROSDevelopementStudio

Thank you for your reply.
This is the result of rospack list | grep trajectory

hector_trajectory_server /opt/ros/kinetic/share/hector_trajectory_server
human_trajectory /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/strands_perception_people/human_trajectory
iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/iri_wam/iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory
joint_trajectory_controller /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/shadow_robot_smart_grasping_sandbox/ros_controllers/joint_trajectory_controller
rqt_joint_trajectory_controller /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/shadow_robot_smart_grasping_sandbox/ros_controllers/rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
tiago_trajectory_controller /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/tiago_sim/tiago_tutorials/tiago_trajectory_controller
trajectory_msgs /opt/ros/kinetic/share/trajectory_msgs

Due to characters limitation, I can not post all the packages currently in my catckin_ws but trajectory_by_name is missing!

I’m having the same issue in Unit 5 - Ros Services. Same error.

Thanks for your help!

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I am having the same issue in unit 3. I am stuck in unit 3 for the past 3 days. I have to move on to unit4 due to time limitations. Thanks for any help you can provide.

I followed the tutorial step by step, 3rd time:
1 rosservice list
2 rosservice info /execute_trajectory
3 roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
4 cd launch/
5 cat start_demo.launch
6 roslaunch trajectory_by_name start_service.launch
7 history | tail -
8. user:/home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/iri_wam/iri_wam_aff_demo/launch$ roslaunch trajectory_by_name start_service.launch
[start_service.launch] is neither a launch file in package [trajectory_by_name] nor is [trajectory_by_name] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
user:/home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/iri_wam/iri_wam_aff_demo/launch$ history | tail -10

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Hello everyone,

This issue has been already detected and we have a fix for it. Unfortunately, we are having some problems in order to deploy the fix to Production. We are going to work to have it tomorrow on Production. I will let you know as soon as it is fixed. Sorry for the inconveniences.

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Hello everyone,

This is issue has finally been solved and it should be working properly on Production. Please let me know if you still experience this issue or any other strange behavior. Sorry fhe inconveniences.


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