I found the simulation turtlebot moves very slowly with random speeds in the task 2 of exam for Code Foundation for ROS, which is to move the turtlebot in squares of different sizes. It only run successfully for me for the first time and then never got it work again. I even tried to update the python scripts in the linux_exam package but nothing worked.
It’s the Task 2 in the course of Prerequisites Exam in the learning path of “Code Foundation for ROS”.
I think that’s clear enough.
The problem is no matter what speed I set for the turtlebot, it always moves very slowly and never make a square. Based on your instruction, I did see that it moved successfully the first time just as what you can see in the gif pic in the instruction, but after that, never works.
I’ve been doing some tests here and it seems to be working properly. Also, I don’t understand what you mean by setting the Turtlebot speed. It’s not required to set the speed for the robot. You just have to make a call to the proper command in order to perform a bigger or smaller square (the speeds are set by default). Don’t worry if the square is not always perfect, that’s not the purpose of the task. The important thing here is to call the proper command depending on the argument passed to the bash script.
Because the Turtlebot did not move properly when I called the python scripts, I tried to change the speed in the python scripts but nothing worked. I know it doesn’t have to perfect but it is not a square at all and I failed the test. If the purpose of the task is just to call the python script from shell, there is no points for you to check the square, right?
The problem was from our side. We were not calculating properly the distances moved for each square (the threshold values were too adjusted). Could you please try to correct again your exam?