Turtlebot2 and Turtlebot3 robot, Maze world not available

In the ROSDS simulation I couldn’t find Turtlebot2 and Turtlebot3 robot and also Maze world is not available. I am trying to run the OpenAI_ROS maze problem with Turtlebot2. Thanks

Hi @papulghosh ,

These worlds were ready-to-use in the old version of ROSDS.
But you can find them all in our public repository


Hi @marco.nc.arruda ,

Thanks for your reply. I wanted to run the launch file that solves the turtlebot maze problem with qlearning. So which particular launch file should I here launch? I have already cloned the aforesaid bigbucket repository.


Hi @papulghosh ,

Have you seen this solution in one of our videos or posts? Please let me know which one so I can point out the correct file for you.


Hi @marco.nc.arruda ,

I tried to follow both the following tutorials:


But it seems like the repos are old and updated later, so throwing some errors.


Hi @papulghosh ,

Could you share the rosject you are working with so I can check the errors being thrown?
The repo could be outdated indeed, but it runs with the specific distro presented in the video