Turtlebot3 cannot move

Hi everyone, i hope this post finds you well, I want to bring to your attention that there is an issue with turtlebot3(Remote robot lab). The robot is not moving even when using gamepad or on screen joystick or teleop_twist_keyboard

I got my code running and its measuring just fine, but it wont move/ stays immobile

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Hi @yusufbadriawan, I’m sorry you encountered issues.

This is strange as I can actually see another student use it without issues.

I want to make sure there is not a problem with the robot, did running ros2 topic list (or rostopic list) provide any output?

I’ll investigate further if this is an issue particular to your account.

Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience

okay this is my report. it still didn’t work for me.

Thank you for your report.

This is definitely strange, I just tested it again and it is working fine. Could it be a troublesome internet connection? Please try with Chrome browser and in a different network if possible.

On the robot side, I will provide maintenance to all its components to make sure an error in one is preventing your specific use of the robot.

Hello , I still couldn’t control the turtlebot3 (remote robot lab) through my account with my subscription.On the other hand,the internet access still working well for me.

What should I do for my certificate? I need the certification as soon as possible. I hope this problem can be solved. Thanks

same thing happening to me.

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