Unable to run Gazebo or rosjects

Problem: Sometimes, the simulation could not be launched
Case: This happened to every rosject and courses that run basic commands.

Please review my vm, thank you. I’ve been struggling with this for a few months.


Hi @RC1,

could you try clicking on that “monitor” icon at the bottom of the page to open the Graphical Tools, and share a screenshot here with us?

But not for rviz

Hi @RC1,

if RViz does not appear, please check the log messages. There may be an error there.

Please paste here the errors you have when launching rviz, for example.

crowd_sim loaded 0 goal_sets
crowd_sim loaded 1 states
crowd_sim loaded 0 transitions
crowd_sim loaded 1 agent_profiles
crowd_sim loaded 1 agent_groups
crowd_sim loaded 1 model_types
parsing level [L1]
level L1 drawing: turtle3_map.png
used 1 measurements to estimate meters/pixel as 0.04991
Level::mouse_select_press(195.000, 192.000)
Level::mouse_select_press(230.000, 252.000)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(86.000, 282.000)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(153.454, 293.315)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(265.084, 174.033)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(262.345, 233.294)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(255.883, 188.969)
clicked unhandled type: 7
Level::mouse_select_press(254.655, 217.632)
clicked unhandled type: 7

For Gazebo, after launching, the vm did not display it.

INFO] [spawn_entity.py-10]: process has finished cleanly [pid 6753]
[gzclient-2] /usr/local/bin/gzclient: line 7: 6743 Killed DISPLAY=:2 ${gzclient_path} “$@”
[ERROR] [gzclient-2]: process has died [pid 6733, exit code 137, cmd ‘gzclient’].


Thanks for reporting this issue, we ar working on it right now. We will have a solution as soon as possible

We discovered the issue that is related to the power of the remote instances that are executing the course. As soon as we solve it we will let you know.

Sorry for the inconvenience and hope we can solve it as soon as possible.

Next time, please contact us sooner with the issue so that we can help you as quick as possible.

Again sorry for the inconvenience

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Hi @RC1 ,

This week we finally finished the REMAKE of this course. At the end of this week, we will probably activate the transition system for the student who started this course’s old version.

Among all the improvements of this remake, the most important ones are:

  • Added lighter, web-based simulation to fix the issue reported above. Now you should be able to start simulations without issues no matter your instance subscription.
  • Added new chapters for Tranforms in RMF, Multifleet with custom adapter.
  • Added a remade Traffic editor unit.
  • To avoid over-cluttered packages, More self-contained units with fewer launch files per package.
  • A more straightforward unit layout, based on examples first and explanations later for those wanting to learn more.

Again sorry about the delay; this remake was more profound than expected.