I am working on the ROS basics in 5 days course and wanted to better understand what this function does (in Unit 7 Python Classes in ROS):
def shutdownhook(self):
# works better than the rospy.is_shutdown()
self.ctrl_c = True
I see that in the last line of init , the rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdownhook) method is declared which triggers the MoveBB8 class method shutdownhook(), but what is the point of doing this?
shutdownhook() sets the class attribute ctrl_c = True, but why does it do this? Where is the ctrl_c = True variable used after this?
It looks like the program just closes and doesn’t do anything with that variable, am I understanding this correctly, or am I missing something?
Please let me know if you can point my understanding of this in the right direction, thank you!
Hi Ryan,
The following line in def __init__(self)
sets def shutdownhook(self)
as the function that is called when ROS is shutting down (typically when you press Ctrl + C):
Now when def shutdownhook(self)
runs, it sets self.ctrl_c = True
. When that happens, the loop in def publish_once_in_cmd_vel(self)
is broken, ending the program in effect.
PS: Note that the while loop depends on self.ctrl_c.
def publish_once_in_cmd_vel(self):
# Note that the while loop depends on self.ctrl_c
while not self.ctrl_c:
connections = self.bb8_vel_publisher.get_num_connections()
if connections > 0:
rospy.loginfo("Cmd Published")
Thank you @bayodesegun sorry, I missed that part!
At some point, I would like to learn how to run the debugger to see the control flow of a class works. It’s a little bit hard to visualize when you’re not used to it yet.
I had a quick look and wasn’t able to figure it out, but do you know if it is possible to debug Python in Theia? Whenever I tried to run it, it just brings me to a launch.json tab.
Thanks again and please let me know if you have any thoughts about debugging.
You’re welcome.
I don’t much about the debugger of the IDE as it is not an area we have focused on.
That said, this is more a case of code comprehension and familiarity with Python, which will improve as you write more programs. For Python classes, you trace the flow from def __init__
, from top to bottom, taking note of any initialization and class method called.