Thank you very much for the detailed answer.
According the previous courses i thought the name of the node was decided in the python script. For example in the script below;
#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import time
import tf
from turtle_tf_3d.get_model_gazebo_pose import GazeboModel
class MultiTfBroadcast(object):
def __init__(self, robot_name_list, loop_rate=5.0):
self._robot_name_list = robot_name_list
self._gazebo_model_object = GazeboModel(self._robot_name_list)
# hz
self._rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate)
# We start the Tf broadcaster
self._broad_caster_tf = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
# Leave enough time to be sure the Gazebo Model logs have finished
rospy.loginfo("Ready..Starting to Publish TF data now...")
def handle_turtle_pose(self, pose_msg, robot_name, reference_frame_data="/world"):
self._broad_caster_tf.sendTransform((pose_msg.position.x, pose_msg.position.y, pose_msg.position.z),
(pose_msg.orientation.x, pose_msg.orientation.y,
pose_msg.orientation.z, pose_msg.orientation.w),,
def start_loop(self):
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
for robot_name in self._robot_name_list:
pose_now = self._gazebo_model_object.get_model_pose(robot_name)
if not pose_now:
robot_name_msg = "The " + \
str(robot_name) + \
"'s Pose is not yet available...Please try again later"
self.handle_turtle_pose(pose_now, robot_name)
def main():
rospy.init_node('publisher_of_tf_node', anonymous=True)
multi_tf_broadcast_obj = MultiTfBroadcast(
robot_name_list=["turtle1", "turtle2"])
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
if __name__ == '__main__':
the name of the node was given as " publisher_of_tf_node " in the main function.
As i understand from your answer, i dont have to use the name " publisher_of_tf_node " in the launch file, if i specify a different node name then i will have a node as same functions but with a different name. For example;
<node pkg="tf_exercises_pkg" type="" name="tf_node_publisher"
Then i have a node named “tf_node_publisher” , do i understand correctly ?
Because i thought earlier that i have to use the same node name specified in the python script, in order to find static_transform_publisher script in the tf package, i typed " roscd tf " in the console and searched for the static_transform_publisher script, but i couldnt find the script.