Unit 14 - vue.js broken

Just a head’s up… on unit 14, the provided HTML templates attempt to download the vue.js dependencies via:


This link is broken, causing all of the dynamic content to fail. I was able to get things working again using the following URL to download the vue.js components:


Hi @z0rak ,

We will see to it; we are on it.

Hi @z0rak and @duckfrost2,

I’ve just replaced the broken link with https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.min.js

The reasons why I didn’t use https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.js are two:

  1. If unpkg.com was already broken once, it could soon break again
  2. This course was prepared using Vue2

Thank you very much @z0rak for letting us know about this issue.

Feel free to report any other errors that you find.


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