[rosrun] Couldn’t find executable named test_process.py below /home/user/catkin_ws/src/linux_course_files/move_bb8_pkg
any ideas where I should be creating the test_process.py file or if it is in the correct location, any idea why ros run will cannot find the executable? Thanks in advance
when you run “rosrun move_bb8_pkg test_process.py”, you are telling ROS to run a script named test_process.py that is expected to be found in a package named move_bb8_pkg.
By the first line you pasted:
user: ~/my_scripts$ chmod +x test_process.py
I can clearly see that your script is inside the folder /home/user/my_scripts , and the error says that it is expected to be in /home/user/catkin_ws/src/linux_course_files/move_bb8_pkg
Just moving your file to the correct folder should solve your problem.