Compiling and running the code works from my terminal tho. Do you have any idea about what could be the problem? I’ve already spent 3 attempts at evaluation trying to fix it
It is quite weird that the GradeBot is checking your package in catkin_ws/srcandros2_ws/src.
I am not sure what is happening, so I am tagging an admin here: @bayodesegun .
Also, did you check if you have satisfied all the requirements?:
Is your package in /home/user/ros2_ws/src?
Was colcon build successful?
After sourcing your install/setup.bash, were you able to locate your package when you run ros2 pkg list?
Please re-check and answer the above three questions, it can help The Construct team to fix your problem.
I see that you have already moved past this stage. I have given you two more trials to correct the final point of the quiz, which is currently not passing.
You can click on the “notes” button beside the quiz button to view the last feedback from the gradebot.
Yes, I was able to move forward this morning. I basically missed the instruction in the package XML file, so it was working when I was compiling manually in a certain order, but not when the grader was doing everything from scratch!
Thanks a lot for the support and for the additional trials!