Unit 7 GripperCommand Grammar

I’m at the last part of unit 7 trying to send an action goal:

ros2 action send_goal /gripper_controller/gripper_cmd control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "command:
  position: 0.03
  max_effort: 0.0

but I keep getting The passed action type is invalid

I verified that the action and interface looks correct:

Am I missing something?

You are using the “Message” definition instead of the “Action” definition.

Sorry, could you elaborate a little bit more? This is the instruction command for us to use, and I’m just copying it exactly.

ros2 action send_goal /gripper_controller/gripper_cmd control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "command:
  position: 0.03
  max_effort: 0.0

Weird, I tried the exact same command (copied and paste) and it works today.

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