Unit5 - issues with world file and launch file


I needed to modify some things to successfully launch this simulation:

In the material:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/tf_project_world.git

maybe you can change it to:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/tf_project_world.git --branch master

I think, we have to checkout the master branch after cloning the repository. Master branch is working well. Or maybe the default branch should be master not humble

For branch “humble”, I had to do these modifications:

  1. I had to fix the duplicated names in the world file: tf_project_room.world
    You can check the duplicated names with this command:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/tf_project_world/worlds/
grep ‘name=’ tf_project_room.world |sed -s ‘s/^.*name=/name=/g’|sort|uniq -c|grep ‘^ *2’

  1. I had to change the default_value to false in the launch file ~/ros2_ws/src/tf_project_world/launch/gazebo_simulation.launch.py
            default_value='false',  # Set your default value here
            description='Launch Gazebo with gzweb'

Probably this change is more important, before this I could not see the simulation and I had many red error lines in the console.

I have sent a PR for the non-uniq names. I am not sure about the launch file fix:

Can you fix these?
Thank you in advance


We are going to deploy a new version of the course today. So We will probably have fixed this issue. Let me return to you when its deployed and check that this issue is indeed solved :wink:


I’ve updated the command to download the master branch.
It was an error form my part when creating the new version for humble, that I set the humble branch as default. Now for the students working on the galactic version of the course, this issue should be solved.

The Humble version has been deployed, you just have to select migrate on the pop up that will appear.
Most of the issues reported will be solved and the ones that are not will be this week

Thank you. I have no time for checking the new version deeply but seems to me very good.
I will re-take this course in the future.


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