What does INCLUDE_DIRS variable in the catkin_package macro do?

I am experimenting with build options in exercise 2.4 in advanced C++ and noticed that the solution sets INCLUDE_DIRS to ‘include/${PROJECT_NAME}/’

In other examples, INCLUDE_DIRS to ‘include’

What does INCLUDE_DIRS set? - The only explanation I found was – INCLUDE_DIRS - The exported include paths (i.e. cflags) for the package – doesn’t clear things up.


Hi @davef,

In CMake, INCLUDE_DIRS is a variable used to specify the directories where CMake should look for header files when building a project.

If we have something like this, for example:

set(INCLUDE_DIRS /path/to/include/dir)

This is going to tell g++ (the compiler) to search for header files on this /path/to/include/dir directory, for example.

If in your file you have:

#include "davef.h"

g++ will try to find davef.h at /path/to/include/dir, in the example provided.

When you build your project using g++ , it would be equivalent to running

g++ -I/path/to/include/dir ...

where ... represents other compiler flags and source files.

This leads to two follow-up questions.

  1. In the case of
set(INCLUDE_DIRS include)

Is include/ automatically appended to the project name making the full search path

  1. Are the following three statements doing the same thing?
  INCLUDE_DIRS include
set(INCLUDE_DIRS /path/to/include/dir)


Edit: I searched for

include_directories vs catkin_package(INCLUDE_DIRS

in Google and Generative AI gave a good response. I think what was confusing me was that the catkin_package() macro is just syntactical sugar for preexisting functionality in CMake.


Something else that is pretty handy is to add messages to your cmake file with


Then build with the following command

catkin_make | grep XXXXXXX
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