workspaces always loads old copy of my code when I get back to my project next day. I will have to keep rebuilding all the missing launch and code to get it back to the state I left the previous time.
I think my workspaces is not backed up when the sessions times out. This becomes a big time waster as I had keep creating the same scripts after loading my work space.
Can you please help to back up and always load the latest version of all my code?
That shouldn’t be happening. Whenever you close the Course a backup of your files is created and loaded the next time you enter. We will have a look at this issue for sure. May I ask you what you do in order to close the course, when you’ve finished working (ie. just close the browser)?
Loading old copy doesnt happen always.I have seen it loading latest copy of my code few times. Do you guys run back up jobs which might have been down to copy the latest workspace?
Hi Shreyas,
as @albertoezquerro mentioned, you should not get that error. Our colleague @bayodesegun is going to take charge of this issue first thing on Monday and keep you posted of the situation.
I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you.
I’ve been looking into this problem but I’m not able to reproduce it, and I also can’t say exactly why it happened those times. I’m really sorry about this. I will continue to look into it and keep you updated in case we find anything.
In the meantime, could you please tell us if you are still seeing the issue?
I saw that you had a couple of big files in your catkin_ws/src folder, and this could have caused the saving of the files to fail because it would take too long.
Could you please avoid putting large files in that folder, unless you really need to save them? I think you can avoid that by running the scripts outside that folder - maybe just on the /home/user folder.
In any case, I have adjusted the code to be more flexible with big files and this modification will be in production by tomorrow morning. However, please keep the files as small possible so that the project can save and load as fast as possible.
Thank you for your patience. Please let us know in case you see the problem again.