Wrong directory structure

I have a wrong directory structure and can’t move forward is there any way to reset everything?
Unfortunately, I cannot add media as this is my first post.

Hi @francesco.mttl ,

Welcome to this Community!

Could you please explain what issue you have?

What do you mean by wrong directory structure? Are you able to see any directories? Are they all blank? Or are you seeing a different directory?

You can add a media in any post, just click on the “Upload” button when you create a post / reply.
You can find the upload button in the same toolbar as the “Bold, Italic, Underline” buttons.


The directory structure in my editor diverges from that in the example.

As in the attached image.

I could rebuild the directory structure but I don’t have the CMakeLists.txt file and package.xml file so I can’t compile with catkin_make as the tutorial says.

Thanks for the support.

Solved, my fault, I didn’t see that I had to clone the repository.
Thanks for the support.


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